A beautiful aureus of Julius Caesar
Los 1528
Julius Caesar, 49-44 BC. Aureus (Gold, 20 mm, 7.91 g, 7 h), with A. Hirtius, praetor. Rome, early 46. C•CAESAR COS TER Veiled female head (of Vesta or Pietas?) to right. Rev. A HIRTIVS PR Emblems of the augurate and pontificate: lituus, guttus, and securis. Babelon (Hirtia) 1 and (Julia) 22. Calicó 37. Crawford 466/1. RBW 1634-1636. Sydenham 1017-1018. A bold and attractive example, beautifully toned and struck on a very broad flan. Good very fine.

From the collection of an Armenian businessman and that of the Drs. Karl and Hermann Kochs, Künker 226, 11 March 2013, 696, acquired from Münzenhandlung Max Kiehn, Cologne, in 1935.

Aulus Hirtius was a friend of Julius Caesar, with whom he fought in Gaul, and the consul of the year 43, in the course of which he died from his wounds while besieging Mark Antony in Mutina. Hirtius was an avid writer on military subjects: he added an eighth book to the dictator's De Bello Gallico and is believed to have been the author of Caesar's De Bello Alexandrino. It has also been speculated that Hirtius was the editor, though not the author, of De Bello Africano and De Bello Hispaniensi.
3500 CHF
2800 CHF
9500 CHF
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